Monday, December 22, 2008

Small bag

I completed another small beg with full of RE.

Code B221208-B1
size approximately 11.5in x 12.5 inch with 18 inch strap.
Material is velvet
Cost: RM 75

Saturday, December 13, 2008

More Ribbon Embroidery

I am putting more of my Ribbon Embroidery designs...hmm..I like them all...he..he..

Code :B1- 13122008
This bag measures approx: 14.5" ( L) x 15 in (H) x 3 in (W)
RM 85.oo
Kit available - RM 60.00

Code: B2-13122008
Measurement : Approx 16in (L) x 13in x 3 in
RM 85.00

Code: B3-13122008
Measurement : Approx 16in (L) x 13in x 3 in
RM 80.00

Code: B4-13122008
Measurement : Approx 16in (L) x 13in x 3 in
RM 75.00

Code: B2-13122008
Measurement : Approx 16in (L) x 13in x 3 in
RM 75.00
Kit available: RM 45.oo

Code: OG1-13122008
RM 13.00 each ( 2 for RM25.00)